Build and Install ################# Obtaining the source ******************** To obtain the Catalyst source locally, clone the official code repository using `Git`_. .. code-block:: bash git clone Building ******** Catalyst uses CMake to generate build system scripts and projects, such as Makefiles or Ninja build files. While IDE generators (Xcode and Visual Studio) are supported, `Ninja`_ is highly recommended. To do a fresh build, start with an empty directory as follows: .. code-block:: bash mkdir catalyst-build cd catalyst-build ccmake -G Ninja [path to catalyst source directory] # do the build cmake --build . # optionally, run tests ctest # do the install cmake --install . ``ccmake`` is a graphical GUI that lets you specify various options for CMake. On Windows ``cmake-gui`` can be used. Alternately, those options can be specified on command line to ``cmake`` using ``-Doption:type=value`` (or ``-Doption=value``) parameters as follows: .. code-block:: bash cmake -G Ninja -DCATALYST_BUILD_TESTING:BOOL=ON ... [path to catalyst src dir] Using ``-G Ninja`` results in CMake generating build files for Ninja. You can switch to using any other supported generator of your choice. See `CMake Docs`_ for details. Supported CMake Options ======================= Important `CMake`_ options that affect how Catalyst is built are: * ``CATALYST_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`` (default: ``ON``): choose whether to build static or shared libraries for Catalyst. To support switching of Catalyst implementation at runtime, you must build with ``CATALYST_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`` set to ``ON`` (default). * ``CATALYST_BUILD_STUB_IMPLEMENTATION`` (default: ``ON``): choose whether to build the stub Catalyst implementation. When building Catalyst only to develop another Catalyst API implementation, you may turn this option to ``OFF``. If ``OFF``, no ``catalyst`` library will be built. * ``CATALYST_BUILD_TESTING`` (default: ``ON``): enable/disable testing. Running the tests using ``ctest`` after a build has succeeded is a good way to verify that your build is functional. * ``CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE`` (default: ``Debug``): this is used to choose whether to add debugging symbols to the build. Supported values are ``Debug``, ``Release``, ``MinSizeRel``, and ``RelWithDebInfo``. * ``CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX``: path where to install the libraries and headers when requested. * ``CATALYST_WITH_EXTERNAL_CONDUIT`` (default: ``OFF``): Build Catalyst against an external Conduit library. Note that this option affects implementation compatibility (i.e., an implementation built against a Catalyst with external Conduit will refuse to initialize from a Catalyst with the internal Conduit and vice versa). * ``CATALYST_RELOCATABLE_INSTALL`` (default: ``ON``): If unset, and to any external dependencies will be embedded into the install tree rendering it unable to be relocated to other machines without similar setup. * ``CATALYST_WRAP_PYTHON`` (default: ``OFF``): Build python wrappers for Catalyst and Conduit. * ``CATALYST_WRAP_FORTRAN`` (default: ``OFF``): Build Fortran wrappers for Catalyst and Conduit. .. _`Git`: .. _`CMake`: .. _`CMake Docs`: .. _`Ninja`: