Catalyst for Simulation Developers ********************************** This section describes how simulation (and other computational codes) can use Catalyst. Building with Catalyst ====================== To use the Catalyst API in any code, the code must be built against an implementation of the Catalyst API. While one can use any implementation of the Catalyst API, the stub implementation is probably the easiest to build against since it doesn't have any external dependencies besides compiler tools. There are two ways codes can build with Catalyst: using `CMake`_, or using any build tool like `make`_. Using CMake ----------- If your code already uses CMake as the build system generator, then to use Catalyst APIs, you simply need to find the Catalyst install using ``find_package`` and the link against the ``catalyst::catalyst`` target. This is done as follows: .. code-block:: cmake :linenos: # Find the Catalyst install. # # The version is optional but recommended since it lets you choose # the compatibility version. The only supported value currently is 2.0 # # REQUIRED ensures that CMake raises errors if Catalyst is not found # properly. find_package(catalyst 2.0 REQUIRED) # Your simulation will have an executable (or a library) that # houses the main-loop in which you'll make the Catalyst API falls. # You need to link that executable (or the library) target with Catalyst. # This is done as follows (where simulation_target must be replaced by the # name of the correct executable (or library) target. target_link_library(simulation_target PRIVATE catalyst::catalyst) Now, when you run ``cmake`` on your simulation code, a new cache variable ``catalyst_DIR`` can be set to the directory containing the file ``catalyst-config.cmake`` to help CMake find where you built Catalyst. That file can be found in either the Catalyst build directory or the Catalyst install directory. Using `make` (or similar) ------------------------- If not using CMake as the build system generator for your simulation code, it is still easy to make it aware of Catalyst. You simply need to pass the include path i.e. the location where the Catalyst headers are available, and the location and library to link against. In a typical Catalyst install at location, ``CATALYST_INSTALL_PREFIX``, these are: * Include path: ``/include/catalyst-2.0`` * Library path: ``/lib`` * Library: ``/lib/`` Using ``gcc``, for example, this translates to the following command-line: .. code-block:: bash gcc test_driver.c -I/include/catalyst-2.0 /lib/ Catalyst API ============ Catalyst API is used by simulations to invoke Catalyst for co-processing. To use the Catalyst API, one must include the ``catalyst.h`` header file. catalyst_initialize ------------------- .. code-block:: c enum catalyst_status catalyst_initialize(const conduit_node* params); This function must be called once to initialize Catalyst. Metadata that can be used to configure the initialize is provided using a ``params`` pointer. The catalyst will attempt to load the implementation named using ``params["catalyst_load/implementation"]``. If not specified, but the ``CATALYST_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME`` environment variable is, it will be used. If no implementation is named, a default implementation using the stub functions will be used. If an implementation is named, it will be loaded at runtime using ``dlopen`` (or the platform equivalent) by searching the nodes specified under the ``params["catalyst_load/search_paths"]`` node. Next, the paths specified by the ``CATALYST_IMPLEMENTATION_PATHS`` (using ``;`` as a separator on Windows and ``:`` otherwise) will be searched. Finally, the ``catalyst`` directory beside ``libcatalyst`` will be searched. Once found, it will be loaded and inspected for compatibility. If it is compatible, the implementation will be loaded and made available. The return code indicates the error received, if any. The search priority of the ``CATALYST_IMPLEMENTATION_`` environment variables may be made first by setting teh ``CATALYST_IMPLEMENTATION_PREFER_ENV`` environment variable to a non-empty value. catalyst_finalize ----------------- .. code-block:: c enum catalyst_status catalyst_finalize(const conduit_node* params); This function must be called once to finalize Catalyst. Metadata is passed using ``params`` pointer. catalyst_execute ---------------- .. code-block:: c enum catalyst_status catalyst_execute(const conduit_node* params); This function is called for every time step as the simulation advances. This is the call in which the analysis may execute. ``params`` provides metadata as well as the data generated by the simulation for that time-step. catalyst_about -------------- .. code-block:: c enum catalyst_status catalyst_about(conduit_node* params); This function fills up the ``params`` instance with metadata about the Catalyst library being used. catalyst_results ---------------- .. code-block:: c enum catalyst_status catalyst_results(conduit_node* params); This function fills up the ``params`` instance with updated parameters values from the Catalyst implementation side. All the above functions use a ``params`` object which is a `conduit_node`_. It is simply a hierarchical mechanism for describing data and/or metadata including simulation meshes and fields. Essentially, think of it as a map where keys are strings called paths and values are either data or pointers to data. What these keys can be and what they mean is totally up to the Catalyst API implementation being used. To create and populate the ``conduit_node`` instance, you use the Conduit ``C`` API. e.g. .. code-block:: c conduit_node* node = conduit_node_create(); conduit_node_set_path_int(node, "sim/timestep", 0); conduit_node_set_path_double(node, "sim/time", 1.212); ... conduit_node_destroy(node); Refer to `Conduit`_ documentation for details of the ``C`` API. [TODO: there are no docs for Conduit C API upstream]. .. _CMake: .. _make: .. _conduit_node: .. _Conduit: